Machines & services in the woody biomass sector

The customized preparation process is as varied as the materials used to produce optimum material quality. Chippers, high-speed or low-speed shredders, flexible star screens or drum screens are the key components for efficient biomass processing with maximum throughput and low operating costs.

TCS has all the necessary processing units for shredding and screening. Many years of TCS application know-how guarantee the customer optimum support and the best material quality.

Woody biomass - TCS

At the customer’s request, TCS can take over the processing of their woody biomass as a service. Biomass logistics and the marketing of biomass can also be offered.

All machines can also be rented. From short-term to long-term rental, machine leasing and installment plan options, customers have all kinds of options for machine use. In this case, TCS will provide training and ongoing customer service on site. This allows the customer to concentrate on material preparation.

Woody biomass - TCS

Would you like to buy a machine? TCS is happy to offer you new machines as well as high-quality used machines for sale, including machine financing if required.